Most Ugandans love their pork! When we hear of someone who is interested in raising pigs, we usually pay attention as it can be a good enterprise. Say Yes has had the privilege of helping to start several piggery projects.
A pastor had the idea of starting a piggery and for each batch of piglets he would give all but two away to other pastors. His reasoning was to help others poor pastors have some little income and/or food from raising their pig. Say Yes agreed this was a good idea so we funded the first pig. Many pastors in the Luwero District have been blessed with a pig. Each one is encouraged to do the same thing – keep two and give the others away. This is a great testimony of unity among the brethren!
Prossie, a mother of four, wanted to raise her own pigs to help with school fees for the children and general household needs. This is truly a family project as the children will also lend a hand in working with the animals. Since pigs give birth in just over three months and the piglets grow quickly, it’s feasible the business could turn a profit fairly quickly.
So Say Yes helped Prossie buy two pregnant pigs. The sows produced a total of 16 piglets. One of the sows eventually produced again – 11 piglets! Once the piglets are mature enough Prossie will sell a few in order to purchase a male pig to “service” the sows. She desires to be known as the premier pig farmer in her village that raises quality pigs for food or for purchase in order to start other piggeries.
In 2016, Say Yes was able to help get FIVE other piggeries started besides Prossie’s! Donors were happy to see this type of business prove to be so beneficial for the families! And the families receiving the pregnant sows were delighted! In fact, one of the elders in the church of a pastor who received a pig from Say Yes took advantage of the idea and purchased a male pig in order to service the sows! Brilliant!
A few years ago another pastor in Gganda Village used funds provided by Say Yes International to start a piggery with this lone pig. He now has a substantial operation and is able to employ others to help him care for the animals and he always has a market for them!