Traveled far and wide while in Uganda in 2015. Took some time for fun and then went visited with many people Say Yes started businesses for – from the far east of Uganda to the west side in Masaka. Even crossed the equator! Very productive trip – enjoy the pictures.
- The 2015 Say Yes Team – Gloria Virgil & Joy
- Gloria at the Source of the Nile
- Joy & Virgil having fun on the Nile
- Yes – Virgil is playing guitar in the water at the source of the Nile!
- The team on the Nile
- Children helping Virg play the guitar
- plucking the guitar alongside the road while waiting for car repair
- More kids with guitar
- Rescue car after 2nd breakdown of the trip – Joy & Paul in the back!
- Pastor Edith with Team
- Pastor Edith grateful for gift to help start health clinci
- Praying with ex-muslim to receive baptism of Holy Spirit
- Joy & Virgil sitting with Pastor Henry and wife Sarah
- Pastor Henry and Sarah’s new cement floor!
- Pastor Henry’s bodabodas – Say Yes helped to purchase the bigger one
- Pastor Henry is rejoicing at God’s goodness
- Pastor Mary with her daughter at the grocery store
- Inside Pastor Mary’s church
- Pastor Mary’s church outside
- produce market in Tororo
- more produce in Tororo
- Praying to receive Jesus as Savior in hospital
- feeding patients and family in hospital
- praying for family and patients in hospital
- Praying for mom to receive Jesus as she sits by son who has massive burns on his body from falling into a fire
- child eating at hospital
- patient being taken to room after surgery (yes, that’s an outdoor walkway)
- Moms with their children outside children’s ward in hospital
- praying for woman in hospital with sores all over her body
- Gloria being mobbed by Jonah & Syilivia’s children – having a great time
- inside Pastor Joanitah’s church
- outside Pastor Joanitah’s church
- Pastor Joanitah’s pig
- Making bricks – very hard work!
- a tower of bricks being prepared to burn
- hanging out with the brick making crew
- brick kiln
- covering bricks so they get dry enough to burn
- why not use your head to carry bricks?!?!?
- Rose & Phionah in the boys dorm
- girls dorm at Pastor Rose’s orphanage
- Well behaved children at Pastor Rose’s school – waiting for treats
- Beautiful children
- Pastor Rose overwhelmed with gift of clothing
- the InStove Say Yes purchased for Rose’s orphanage – it cooks beans and posho so much faster for the kids with just a little amount of fuel
- Kampala traffic!
- Pastor Hudson’s church in Lugazi
- Virgil preaching at Pastor Hudson’s church in Lugazi
- the water collection tank at Faith Children’s Home – Say Yes paid to have this replaced
- broken gutter at Faith Children’s Home – Say Yes paid to have this fixed
- woman from Lasoga walked to Pastor Hudson’s church. She had planned to commit suicide. But she received Jesus first! YAY!
- Joy with some of our favorite people ever – Paul & Robert
- Virgil and our awesome friend and driver, Moses!